The Sierra Leone Ports and Harbours Authority (replaces The Sierra Leone Ports Authority and repealed the Ports Act No. 56 of 1964) is established by Act No. 29 of 2023.
It holds the pivotal role of operating, managing, and coordinating the diverse maritime activities within Freetown’s ports and harbours, along with the River Port of Nitty and Pepel. This legislation empowers the Authority to navigate the complexities of port management, ensuring efficient and strategic facilitation of maritime operations for the nation’s economic development and trade connectivity.
However, in order to follow more productive and efficient contemporary trends in Port management, the Government of Sierra Leone through the National Commission for Privatization decided to transform the management of the Port from a Service Port to a Landlord Port. This has led to the privatization of core port activities to private port operators.
The Port does not operate in isolation in discharging its maritime activities; it involves other stakeholders, including:
• Freetown Terminal Limited- concessionaire of the Container terminal
• Nectar Sierra Leone Bulk Terminal Limited- Concessionaire of the non-containerized cargo Terminal.

Mr. Yankuba A. Bio
Director General
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Core Business
The Authority’s core business is to manage the operations of the Port of Freetown (land lord) as a viable hub for sea transportation in the economic development of the country. The Authority remains committed to develop an efficient, transparent, safe, reliable and competitive international and domestic maritime trade in support of Sierra Leone’s economic development.
Marine Services
Provides a scalable and customizable solution for customers who have programs to retire outdated IT assets.
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Provides a scalable and customizable solution for customers who have programs to retire outdated IT assets.
read more→Landlord Services
Combined rail road transport is particularly well suited to the shipping of hazardous goods since it reduces risk.
read more→Importance of SLPHA
The economic importance of the port is widely recognized as the main entry/exit point of cargo and is seen as a key driver of trade and therefore economic growth in Sierra Leone. The SLPHA has been a significant contributor to national economic development by landing the nation’s imports and exports and attracting investment.
Latest News
SLPHA Holds 2024 Review and 2025 Strategic Retreat
The Director General of the Sierra Leone Ports and Harbours Authority (SLPHA), Mr. Yankuba Askia Bio, along with a team of Directors, convened a two-day retreat at Fabulous Hotel on Friday and Saturday,...
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Sierra Leone Ports and Harbours Authority Joins Grand Opening of Transit Transport Terminal and Traffic Signals at Lumley
In a landmark event underscoring Sierra Leone’s commitment to enhancing transport infrastructure, His Excellency Dr. Julius Maada Bio officially opened the new Transit Transport Terminal and Traffic Signals at Lumley, Freetown. The ceremony,...
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SLPHA Management Pays Visit to Logos Hope Vessel
On Tuesday, 29th October 2024 , Mr. Yankuba Askia Bio, Director General of the Sierra Leone Ports and Harbours Authority (SLPHA), along with his Management team, had the pleasure of touring the Logos...
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SLPHA Departments
- By statutory declaration there should exist a “Harbour Department” with the Sierra Leone Ports Authority and this division should be headed by the Harbour Master.
- The Port Act of 1964 and the Merchant & Shipping Act of 2002 gives credence to this office for technical supervision in National Maritime Affairs.
- The principal function of this department is Pilotage as well as in charge of all Maritime affairs of the authority as stated in part xv section 50 and part XXVII section 452 of the Merchant Shipping Act.
The Internal Audit and Compliance Division is established by the Board of Director as part of their oversight role.
It functionally reports to the Board of Directors and administratively to the General Manager. The Division is made up of 12(twelve) working staff with the requisite qualification and experience. We are guided by adherence to the institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) mandatory statutes including code of ethics, International standard for the professional practice and the code of corporate governance of Sierra Leone.
In order to be more productive, effective and efficient in service delivery like other ports in Africa and to follow contemporary trend, SLPA operations shifted from a Service to Land Lord operations in 2011. This action was facilitated by the Privatization bill which is the Policy for the current SLPA Operations.
Therefore, the policy implemented by the SLPA in planning port operations is for the Operators to perform the core port operations and to strictly adhere to the provisions of their concession agreements, while SLPA will be monitoring, supervise and regulate their activities
- It was formerly known as the Personnel Department which caters largely for the interest of Shareholders, but was later transformed to the Human Resources Department to seek, protect and promote the welfare of staff among other functions.
- We have two Staff Handbooks; the 2000 and 2016 Staff Handbook respectively.(We are on the process to syncronise both books to meet modern day trend)
- It is the management selection and recruitment center; which ensures that the right personnel are recruited at the right time for the Human resource needs of the Authority.
- The activities of the department are carried out in a robust manner to respond to diverse HR issues that emanates from the day to day activity of the Authority.
- To achieve this goal, the department keeps record of all staff profile and monitors staff career development and appropriately advises the General Manager and other Executive staff accordingly.
- The finance department strives to provide effective, reliable financial advice, services and information to the Authority
- The Finance department is responsible for the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the Authority’s operating, utility and capital budget.
- Oversees and control income and expenditure through out the annual budget process.
- This department is responsible for dealing with the day to day finances of the Authority.
- The finance department is responsible for making statutory payment on behalf of workers of the Authority. Such as: NASSIT, EOB, PAYE,TAXES etc.
- Preparation of monthly and annual report for the attention of management and board of directors.( F&D committee).
In accordance with the Port Act No. 56 of 1964 (as amended in 1991) the SLPA’s mandate is to manage and control all ports related activities in Sierra Leone and to operate the port of Freetown and oversee activities at the Ports of Nitti and Pepel.
Current port services are divided into core and non-core. Some of the core services & non-core services are already privatized.
Port Services
Our Clientele includes, Private Port Operators, Shipping Companies, Shipping Agencies or Ships’ representatives, Clearing & Forwarding Agencies, transporters and the general public (port users).
Our Clients
What makes us special?
Over 1,000 dedicated employees, working in 3 regional clusters around the country, deliver operational excellence.
and Storage
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1. Pepel
2. Tofeyen -
1. Kissy Ferry Terminal
2. Government Wharf Terminal
3. Targrin Terminal -
1. Queen Elizabeth II Quay
2.Cline Town
3. Kissy Oil Jetty -
Queen Elizabeth II Quay
Cline Town
1. Nitti 1
2. Nitti 2 -